Producent roślin


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Dear Sirs!

The "Byliny-Świerk" perennial nursery has been operating since 1995. It is located in Lower Silesia, in the Sudetic Foreland, and belongs to the group of the largest perennial nurseries, both in Poland and Europe. The farm specializes in the production of a wide range of perennials, ornamental grasses, garden ferns and herbs in containers. Among many varieties there are plants with which you are very familiar and which have been used for many years. In each new offer prepared for you we try to include a lot of different extraordinary perennials, less known but equally valuable. Also this year's offer has been enriched with new varieties of low and high perennials for different sites, from sunlit to shaded ones. Thanks to a great assortment, you will find perennials for each type of garden; cozy garden, large park areas and green roofs.

Our broad assortment and new varieties of perennials cultivated in our nursery have made us win two gold medals at the International Trade Fairs in Poznan.

Approximately three million perennials in containers of different size are in continuous production and available for you.

The production of plants is under a constant control of the Provincial Inspectorate for Plant and Seed Protection in Wrocław, which additionally enables export of perennials beyond the borders of the EU.

Technical data

Most perennials are produced in the standard P9 flowerpots. Attractive varieties produced in the square-round P11 and C2 flowerpots are novelty. We gradually introduce into production certain species of perennials in the larger C3, C4, and C5 round containers.

Flowerpots are packed into standard plastic boxes - returnable or replaced at delivery. For the left (non- replaced) plastic boxes, a deposit will be collected. The amount of the deposit will depend on their value on the day of delivery.

Perennials packed in non-returnable, aesthetic wooden boxes of standard dimensions are increasingly popular. Value of wooden packaging is low and will be added to the unit price of perennials. In plant sales points and in garden centers wooden boxes are a good solution. The retail customer's problem where to put the purchased plants disappears.

The method of packing flowerpots in boxes: P9 flowerpots - 24 pcs., P11 - 15 pcs. P14 - 12 pcs. Containers: C2 - 8 pcs., C3 - 8 pcs., C4 - 6 pcs., C5 - 5 pcs.

To each collective package (box) we add a label with a colorful picture of the plant and its name, or a descriptive label, if plants are intended for planting out. On the individual request of a recipient, every ordered plant may be delivered with the above mentioned colorful labels, which involves extra fee.

The stuck labels used for marking the perennials from our nursery are of high quality and, apart from a colorful picture, they contain basic information on a given perennial. The description is based on pictograms with explanations in several languages: Polish, English, German, Czech and Russian. Additionally, they are delivered with the EAN13 bar codes. The symbols of price groups are legible (the previous marking with a colorful, round point is replaced by a literal symbol).

In order to accelerate deliveries of orders, they should be submitted on the order form available on our website:

The plants will be prepared according to the sequence of orders. We recommend personal receipt of orders, which additionally, in the case of cash payment, is awarded with a high discount. There is a possibility to deliver plants to the designated address by our transportation. The condition of such delivery is a complete use of loading space of the vehicle by one or greater number of customers, located in the area of the planned route. The price of such delivery is low and limited to share n in the costs of fuel. An additional option of delivering plants is pallet transport. This service is provided by external logistic companies against payment.

We invite you to cooperate with us.

Małgorzata and Adam Świerk